What is the CAS chemical number?
A CAS Registry Number is a unique and unambiguous identifier for a specific substance that allows clear communication and, with the help of CAS scientists, links together all available data and research about that substance.
Purpose of CAS Number
01) Uniqueness
CAS numbers are unique to each substance and are internationally recognized.
02 ) Clarity
CAS numbers help to avoid confusion and safety concerns that can arise from the many different ways chemical compounds are described.
03 ) Regulatory applications
Governmental agencies use CAS numbers for regulatory applications because they are easy to validate and unique.
04 ) Database
The Chemical Abstracts Service maintains a database of chemical compounds and sequences that contains over 55 million different chemical compounds.
CAS numbers are assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society.
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Resource Person: Drx. Satish Mane