Key Steps in Uncertainty Determination Based on Empirical and Modeling GUM Approaches

Identify the sources of uncertainty: The first step is to identify and understand the different sources of uncertainty in the measurement process. This can include variability in the measurement instrument, environmental conditions, operator skill, and other factors.

Quantify the uncertainty from each source: Once the sources of uncertainty are identified, the next step is to quantify the uncertainty associated with each source. This can be done through empirical methods, such as repeated measurements or inter-laboratory comparisons, or through modeling approaches, such as Monte Carlo simulations or mathematical models.

Combine uncertainties: After quantifying the uncertainty from each source, the next step is to combine them to obtain an overall uncertainty estimate. This can be done using statistical methods, such as root-sum-square (RSS) or law of propagation of uncertainty.

Evaluate the measurement uncertainty: Once the overall uncertainty estimate is obtained, it is important to evaluate its significance and determine if it meets the required measurement specifications or standards. This can involve comparing the uncertainty to tolerance limits or assessing its impact on the final measurement result.

Document and communicate the uncertainty: Finally, it is important to document and communicate the uncertainty estimate along with the measurement result. This helps ensure transparency and allows others to understand and interpret the measurement result correctly.

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