Medicinal Chemistry
Synaptic Transmitters | Rapidly Acting and Slowly Acting
There are more than 50 chemical substances have been proved or postulated to function as synaptic transmitters. Many of them are listed in below, which give two groups of synaptic transmitters. One group comprises small-molecule, rapidly acting transmitters. The other is made up of a large number of neuropeptides of ... Read More
Basics of Synaptic Transmission
Synaptic transmission is a key process whereby presynaptic neurotransmitter release drives electrical and biochemical signals via opening of postsynaptic channels. 7 Steps of Synaptic Transmission Step 1: An action potential arrives at the axon terminal Step 2: Membrane depolarization from action potential causes influx of calcium ions Step 3: Docking ... Read More
Computer Aided Drug Design (CADD)
Computer Aided Drug Design (CADD) has now become an indispensable tool in the long process of drug discovery and development. It includes finding, developing and analyzing medicines and related biological active compounds by computer methodologies. The reliability of the mathematical methods used to obtain and solve the equations is well ... Read More
An Introduction to Lead and Analogue Synthesis
Once the structure of a lead has been decided it is necessary to design a synthetic pathway to produce that lead. These pathways may be broadly classified as either partial or full synthetic routes. The chemical reactions selected for the proposed synthetic pathway will obviously depend on the structure of ... Read More
Structure Activity Relationship in Medicinal Chemistry
Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) is an approach to find the relationships between a chemical structure of a molecule and its biological activity. SARs are usually determined by making minor changes to the structure of a lead to produce analogues and assessing the effect these structural changes have on biological activity. This ... Read More
Introduction to Drug Discovery
Drug discovery is part luck and part structured investigation. At the beginning of the 19th century it was largely carried out by individuals but it now requires teamwork, the members of the team being specialists in various fields, such as medicine, biochemistry, chemistry, computerized molecular modeling, pharmaceutics, pharmacology, microbiology, toxicology, ... Read More
Introduction to Drug Action
The action of a drug is believed to be due to the interaction of that drug with endogenous and exogenous substrate molecules found in the body. When one or more active drug molecules bind to the target endogenous and exogenous molecules, they cause a change or inhibit the biological activity ... Read More
Biological Molecules Notes for Bachelor Students
Biological molecules are the basic building blocks of all biological structures and processes that are the basis of life as we know it. A basic knowledge of the nomenclature and structures of these more common endogenous classes of biological molecules is essential to understanding medicinal chemistry. There are four major ... Read More