About Us

PharmaDigests.com is a comprehensive information source for all professionals in the global pharmacy practices, including pharmaceutical manufacturing and drug development community.

We provide reliable cutting-edge peer-reviewed content and features for pharmacy students and professionals on basic pharmacy, hospital and clinical pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, pharmacy regulation and academia. We also provide comprehensive business analysis report relating to drug development and approval.

Pharma Digests is an authoritative source of peer-reviewed research and expert analyses for pharmaceutical formulation development, process development, manufacturing, and drug delivery. Here we provide also technical writing on API synthesis, analytical technology and testing, packaging, automation, outsourcing, and regulatory compliance in the field of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

As writing on pharmaceutical topics is our passion and it helps to improve this community, we want to share the knowledge that we gained by our experience. We hope this platform (pharmadigests.com) help to enhance the knowledge and career of new generation pharmacist and keep them up-to-date with modern pharmaceutical technology and practices.

Read Details: Introduction to Pharma Digests

Resource Persons

Sometimes we need to collect or verify reliable information from a pharmaceutical specialist. Here is a list of specialists from deifferent part of pharmacy whose are our resource person. We collect the information from their publicly shared articles, news or discussions.

Barbara Pirola

Pharmaceutical QP

Ershad Moradi

Founder and CEO of Pharmatalks

Hasan ElsanhoutY

Validation Specialist

Ken Boda

Dissolution Product Specialist

Kieran McKeever

IT Specialist

Masihuddin Jaigirdar

Pharmaceutical Scientist

Prasadhi Shiva

QA Specialist

Rizwan Naqvi

QA Specialist

Sunil Tekwani

Regulatory Affairs Specialist