Comparison Between Generic and Branded Product Regulatory Filings

Generic and branded pharmaceutical companies both undergo regulatory filings as part of the drug approval process. While the overarching goal is to ensure safety and efficacy, there are distinct differences in the regulatory requirements and processes for generic versus branded medications.

Regulatory Requirements


  • Generic drugs must demonstrate bioequivalence to the reference (branded) product.
  • Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) submission process.
  • Typically relies on existing data from the reference product.


  • Extensive clinical trials are required to establish safety and efficacy.
  • New Drug Application (NDA) submission process.
  • Must provide original data from preclinical and clinical studies.

Filing Process


  • Streamlined process due to reliance on existing data.
  • Focus on demonstrating bioequivalence.
  • Emphasis on comparative dissolution testing.


  • Lengthy and resource-intensive process.
  • Comprehensive data collection and analysis.
  • Multiple phases of clinical trials.

Timelines and Approval


  • Expedited review timelines due to reliance on existing data.
  • Approval often granted through an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) within 6 to 12 months.


  • Lengthy review process, often spanning several years.
  • Approval granted through a New Drug Application (NDA) after extensive review by regulatory agencies.

In summary, while both generic and branded medications undergo regulatory filings, there are significant differences in the requirements, processes, and timelines involved. Generic filings focus on demonstrating bioequivalence and rely on existing data, resulting in a streamlined approval process. In contrast, branded filings require extensive clinical trials and original data, leading to a longer and more resource-intensive path to approval. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for pharmaceutical companies navigating the regulatory landscape.

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Resource Person: Diwakar Shukla

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