Hold Time Study Protocol for Pharmaceutical Products

A Hold Time Study Protocol is a document that outlines the procedures and criteria for conducting a hold time study in a pharmaceutical industry.

1. Objective \ Scope

1.1. Hold time study data shall give the assurance of the maximum allowable hold times for bulk and in-process drug products. Generally, one lot can be used for validating hold times if any inconsistency results were observed then another two lots can be used for this study.

1.2. GMP dictates that hold times should be validated to ensure that in-process and bulk products can be held, pending the next processing step, without any adverse effect on the quality of the material.

2. Responsibilities

2.1 Validation Officer:

  • To prepare protocol and report.
  • Sampling as per the approved protocol.
  • Conclude the result.

2.2. Quality Control:

  • Review of Protocol and report.
  • To analyze the hold time study samples as per the approved protocol and report the results.

2.3. Quality Control (Microbiology):

  • Review of Protocol and report.
  • To analyze the hold time study samples as per the approved protocol and report the results.

2.4. Head – Quality Assurance:

  • Approval of protocol and result

3. Hold time consideration

3.1. Granulation Solutions, Coating Solutions:
Typically, if these in-process products are used within 24 hours of manufacturing, no bulk holding time studies are deemed necessary.

3.2. Powder Blends, Granules:
In-process products such as Powder blends and granules can be held for up to 30 days from the date of production without being retested prior to use. An in-process product that is held for longer than 30 days should be monitored for hold time study under controlled storage conditions for the length of the holding period.

3.3. Core Tablets:
In-process products such as core tablets and extended-release pellets can be held for up to 30 days from the date of production without being retested prior to use.
An in-process product that is held for longer than 30 days should be monitored for hold time study.

3.4. Bulk Tablets and Capsules:
Bulk tablets and capsules can be held for up to 30 days from the date of production without being retested prior to use. A bulk product that is held for longer than 30 days should be monitored for a hold time study.

3.5. Oral Liquids and Semi-Solids:
Typically, liquid and semi-solid dosage form products should be held for no more than 5 days without a hold time study. Full-scale batches should be used for these studies.

4. Hold time stages

The hold time study for the product shall be carried out in three batches.

These conditions are the same as the manufacturing area/hold area conditions, so these conditions are may vary from product to product. Based on the manufacturing process of the dosage forms hold study stages can be decided.

5. Conclusion

5.1. The conclusion should state whether the outcome of the activity was successful or not.

6.Revalidation Criteria

6.1. The hold time study shall be performed again in case of any major change in the product specification.


Resource Person: BARBARA PIROLA

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