Pharmacokinetic Service in Hospitals

Clinical pharmacokinetics is the tools that can be used to optimize pharmaceutical care services by determining the dosage regimens of specific drug products for specific patients to maximize pharmacotherapeutic effects and minimize toxic effects.

A list of pharmacokinetic services are mentioned below:

(1) Designing patient-specific Medication dosage regimens based on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacologic characteristics of the Medication products used, the objectives of Medication therapy, concurrent diseases and Medication therapy, and other pertinent patient factors (e.g., demographics, laboratory data) that improve the safety and effectiveness of Medication therapy and promote positive patient outcomes.

(2) Recommending or scheduling measurements of Medication concentrations in biological fluids (e.g., plasma, serum, blood, cerebrospinal fluid) or tissues in order to facilitate the evaluation of dosage regimens.

(3) Monitoring and adjusting dosage regimens on the basis of pharmacologic responses and biological fluid and tissue Medication concentrations in conjunction with clinical signs and symptoms or other biochemical variables.

(4) Evaluating unusual patient responses to Medication therapy for possible pharmacokinetic and pharmacologic explanations.

(5) Communicating patient-specific Medication therapy information to physicians, nurses, and other clinical practitioners and to patients orally and in writing, and including documentation of this in the patient’s health record.

(6) Educating pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and other clinical practitioners about pharmacokinetic principles and appropriate indications for clinical pharmacokinetic monitoring, including the cost-effective use of Medication concentration measurements.

(7) Developing quality assurance programs for documenting improved patient outcomes and economic benefits resulting from clinical pharmacokinetic monitoring.

(8) Promoting collaborative relationships with other individuals and departments involved in Medication therapy monitoring to encourage the development and appropriate use of pharmacokinetic principles in pharmaceutical care.

Read also: Department of Hospital Pharmacy

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