VagiSense | A Non-Prescription Vaginal Infection Screening Test

According to a study, about 66% of women who self-diagnosed a vaginal yeast infection were wrong.

VagiSense® is a non-prescription home vaginal infection screening test that helps identify if vaginal symptoms are more likely caused by a bacterial or parasitic infection to know what steps to take next.

It’s a swab that tells within 10 seconds whether the symptoms are more likely caused by a bacterial or parasitic infection.

When to use it?

  • Abnormal or excessive vaginal discharge.
  • Vaginal itching or vaginal burning.
  • Vaginal discharge with abnormal colour or unpleasant odour.

How does it work?

  • It reacts to vaginal discharge and gives a fast answer based on vaginal PH.

How to use?

  • Take one of the included pH strips and hold it against the vaginal wall for a few seconds. Then, the color is compared the chart that came with kit.

Interpretations of the test results after 10 seconds?

  • Negative result: If the swab does not change in colour (PH < 4.5), a yeast infection may be suspected.
  • Positive result: A change in color, blue or green, indicates a possible acidity imbalance in vaginal secretion (a high PH > 4.5). This may indicate bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, or mixed yeast and bacterial infections.

Do not use:

  • In pregnancy
  • One day before or the day after the period.
  • If there is signs of menstruation or any vaginal bleeding.
  • Less than 12 hours after sexual intercourse or vaginal douching.
  • Less than 72 hours after the application of vaginal preparations such as contraceptive creams or lubricants.

VagiSense® is not used to test for sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea or syphilis.

What to do next?

  • Positive results should be reported to a healthcare professional as soon as possible.
  • Negative results may indicate yeast infection and non-prescription treatments may be consodered after consulting your pharmacist.

Preventive measures you can use to counsel your patients:

  • Hygiene: keep genital area clean and dry; wipe from front to back. Avoid OTC feminine hygiene products and douches. Change sanitary pads and tampons regularly; practise safe sex.
  • Clothing: choose cotton underwear. Avoid tight or synthetic clothing; avoid thongs. Promptly change out of wet clothes/swinsuits.
  • Diet: Balanced, nutritious diet. Decrease sucrose and refined carbs if poorly controlled diabetic. Drink suffiecient fluids. Eat yogurt (8 oz/day) with live lactobacillus cultures?! more studies are needed to confirm effectiveness- evidence based studies are currently lacking.

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Resource Person: Lobna Adi

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